Computation and Data Initiative

The TAP Computation and Data Initiative (CDI) brings together computation and data scientists with astrophysicists to push the forefront of and accelerate discovery in theoretical astrophysics.  The Initiative provides a platform for researchers from different disciplines to collaborate, share resources, develop new methods, and apply them to important problems.  It also trains students to become the new generation of “computation native” scientists.  Key projects supported by the CDI include uncovering the detailed plasma physics around black holes and testing Einstein’s general theory of relativity by general relativistic simulations and the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), as well as understanding AGN variability and feedback through cosmological simulations and the Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST).

Computation & Data Initiative Meeting

Mondays, 12:00 – 1:00 pm, in Steward Observatory, Room 450

Computation and simulation topics open to anyone interested.

TAP Computation and Data Lecture

Yixin Wang, University of Michigan

The Computation and Data Initiative will host Yixin Wang, April 4 – 10, 2025 . See visitor schedule for meetings and visit details, or contact the host CK Chan.

Please join Dr. Wang’s TAP Lecture. Details below:

Title:  Representation Learning: A Casual Perspective

Date: Friday, April 4, 1:00-2:30pm, Kuiper Space Sciences Building, Room 312

Join the TAP mailing list to receive future talk updates and announcements.


"Deep Learning for Astronomy" Hackathons

This is a weekly series focused on introductory concepts and hands-on practice problems. Each session will include a short presentation and “hacks” using Google Colab, plus time for Q&A. Everyone is welcome to join, especially those new to deep learning. A session overview and resource summary is available here.

Join the CDI Initiative listserv to receive future announcements and updates. Visit the TAP YouTube Channel for recordings of past sessions.

Next session: TBA February 2025

Weekly Hackathons:

Day/time: TBA

Location: TBA

Zoom Meeting ID: 862 5436 0793, Passcode: steward


For more information, contact hackathon organizers.

This is a weekly series focused on introductory concepts and hands-on practice problems. Each session will include a short presentation and “hacks” using Google Colab, plus time for Q&A. Everyone is welcome to join, especially those new to deep learning. A session overview and resource summary is available here.

Join the CDI Initiative listserv to receive future announcements and updates. Visit the TAP YouTube Channel for recordings of past sessions.

Next session: TBA

Weekly Hackathons:

Day/time: TBA

Location: TBA

Zoom Meeting ID: 862 5436 0793, Passcode: steward


For more information, contact hackathon organizers.


Join us in this journey of discovery and be part of shaping the future of astrophysics. Computational and Data Initiative Listserv


Full resolution movies.   Low-resolution movies.

If a movie cannot be accessed, then you may use this link.

W E E K L Y  M E E T I N G S

Please contact CK Chan, the Initiative Lead to join the next meeting.