Recent News

Congratulations Ansh Gupta!

Congratulations Ansh Gupta!

Congratulations to Ansh Gupta, winner of the Outstanding Senior Award for the Department of Astronomy as well as the Overall Outstanding Senior Award for the College of Science! Now that Ansh has graduated with his B.S. in Astronomy, he reflects on highlights from his...

2024 College of Science TAP Graduate Student Award Recipients

2024 College of Science TAP Graduate Student Award Recipients

Teaching Experience and Awards:  Teaching Assistant for ASTR 400A: Theoretical Astrophysics: Stars (Fall 2023) Research Interests: Haley’s research is focused on using machine learning and cosmological simulations to study galaxy evolution and dark matter. Their...

New Hackathon Series: Deep Learning for Astronomy

New Hackathon Series: Deep Learning for Astronomy

The Computation and Data Initiative is organizing weekly “hacks” to teach the foundation of deep learning and work through practice projects. Each session includes hands-on projects; a competition is planned for the semester. All are welcome to join! See the...

Congratulations Bao “Tintin” Nguyen

Congratulations Bao “Tintin” Nguyen

Congratulations to Bao "Tintin" Nguyen on receiving the 2024 Merrill P. Freeman Medal! This spring, Nguyen graduates summa cum laude with honors with a Bachelor of Science in physics, astronomy and mathematics. The Merrill P. Freeman Medal is named in honor of Merrill...

Yangyang Cai: 2024 Graduate Student Research Prize Awardee

Yangyang Cai: 2024 Graduate Student Research Prize Awardee

The TAP is pleased to announce that Yangyang Cai has been selected to receive the 2024 Graduate Student Research Prize. Dr Cai received his Ph.D. in Physics in 2023. He is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Tsung-Dao Lee Institute at Shanghai Jiao Tong University....

Joint Colloquium: Cosmology and Astrophysics in the Era of Big Data

Joint Colloquium: Cosmology and Astrophysics in the Era of Big Data

Friday, February 29, 2024 3:30 - 4:30pm, Steward Observatory, Room N210 ChanHoon Hahn, Princeton Title: Cosmology and Astrophysics in the Era of Big Data Abstract: Galaxy surveys of the next decade will observe hundreds of millions of galaxies over unprecedented...

2024 TAP Graduate Student Research Prize: Now inviting applications

2024 TAP Graduate Student Research Prize: Now inviting applications

  The Theoretical Astrophysics Program invites applications for the 2024 TAP Graduate Student Research Prize for the best paper on a theoretical astrophysics topic by a University of Arizona graduate student. Graduate students and postdocs (< one year...