Steward Observatory professors Gurtina Besla and Kaitlin Kratter are among this year’s PECASE recipients honored this January for their cutting-edge astronomy research in galaxy evolution and star and planetary formation, respectively. Earlier this month, Steward...
Dr. Gabriele Bozzola Receives APS 2024 Nicholas Metropolis Award for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Congratulations to Dr. Gabriele Bozzola, UArizona Ph.D. in Astronomy and Astrophysics, for being awarded the American Physical Society’s 2024 Nicholas Metropolis Award for...
Sam Gralla, Associate Professor of Physics and TAP Faculty Member, will provide the opening-night talk for the 2024 College of Science Lecture Series. This annual event, held at UArizona’s Centennial Hall (and via livestream) features current innovations in science...
The Theoretical Astrophysics Program invites applications for the 2024 TAP Graduate Student Research Prize for the best paper on a theoretical astrophysics topic by a University of Arizona graduate student. Graduate students and postdocs (< one year...
The Theoretical Astrophysics Program invites one-page proposals for small matching grants in support of theoretical astrophysics research across the Departments of Astronomy, Physics, and Planetary Sciences. Grant awards up to $1,000 may be used...